English Speaking Bowling League - Covid Archive
All the "gorp" that went on!... brought out to here:
'Comments or questions to esblvie@yahoo.com
Friday, August 26th update: We had our TEAM CAPTAINS Meeting...
And the outcome is that we have 17 teams to start our season now on Wednesday, September 7th.
Since a Lucky Strike team could not be reconstituted, we are STILL
open for anyone wanting to start a new team. Here's the roster form: TMRSTR23.pdf.
I'm still working on setting up our 18 team schedule, plus deciding what
to do with all the gorp below on our "life with covid", while updating
our results info and the new season listings... Patience!
In the meantime we remind all of our League Celebration Banquet, Saturday,
September 3rd in the Schutzhaus Zukunft (Schmelz), particulars of which
are included in our info form: Banquet2022.pdf.
We'll see you there!
Wednessday, June 1st update: POSITION NIGHT!
And so we've reached another "Position Night" to be followed by our
Banquet, now established for Saturday, Sept. 3rd, in the Schutzhaus
Zukunft (Schmelz). Banquet sign-up sheets (and rosters for next season)
go out tonight to get things started. More on it all will be provided
here as we get closer to the date which will be preceeded by our Team
Captains meeting on Wednesday, August 24th.
Tuesday, May 17th update: CONTINUING OUR (ATTENUATED) "2nd HALF"...
As we continue on our "2nd round"... coming to a position night in two
weeks our quest to establish how to do a celebration banquet goes on.
In checking for a venue such as our last one, Schutzhaus Zukunft (Schmelz),
early June is anyway not available, and currently we see Saturday, Sept. 3rd,
as our most likely date. How we coordinate it all remains to manage!
Tuesday, Apr. 26th update: CONTINUING OUR (ATTENUATED) "2nd HALF"
We've started in on our "2nd round"... randomly selected weekly schedules
for the next 5 weeks and a position round at the end. Whether we do
a banquet at the end (or save it for a larger team captaions meeting in
August) to be determined...
Our schdeule linked to below has been updated to reflect our run so far and the remaining
weeks to go.
Thursday, Apr. 14th update: HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!
Wishing everyone a sunny, long weekend, in the company of family and
friends, and in contemplation of all our blessings while yearning for
increased peace in our world.
We'll get started on our "2nd round" next week - details to come... - Don
Tuesday, Apr. 12th update: AGAIN....WEDNESDAY AT 19:30
- WEEK 19! and then...
Enough with the BYEs already!
Since we've all had a go at a BYE or two (or three) it's time to do away
with them and carry on with an adjusted 16 team schedule as a focus for the
remaining 7 or 8 weeks 'til we run out of time. (Our BYE teams have all
indicated their reluctance to return.) After our final round of round 1 - all
having played each of the other teams - we then need a format for a sort of
2nd round... TO BE DETERMINED! (Possibilities include 2 top/bottom divisions
of 8 teams playing each of the other 7 in 7 weeks, or perhaps 6 weeks of
randomly scheduled opponents and a final week position night. Suggestions
welcome!) Whatever gets decided the schedule will be reworked to avoid any
Sunday, Apr. 3rd update: CONTINUING....WEDNESDAY AT 19:30
- WEEK 18!
Sunday, Mar. 27th update: WE START AGAIN! WEDNESDAY AT 19:30
- WEEK 17!
Having asked around, we find most everyone ready to play again. So, despite
the still elevated numbers in the daily news reports, we are cautiously
optimistic that we can start in again. See you Wednesday!
As ever, stay TUNED, and keep us informed of any thoughts, status changes, etc.
via our MAILTO esblvie@yahoo.com.
Monday, Mar. 21st update: WE'LL CONTINE HOLDING OFF!...
The high numbers of positives coming in continues to impact on our league
so that again at least four additional teams aren't able to compete
this week. Not knowing how many others might be affected, we consider it
best to cancel this week as well, hoping the problems reside by next
Sunday, Mar. 6th update: EVER MORE BACK TO NORMAL!...
- NEXT: WEEK 16!
Monday, Feb. 21st update: WE START AGAIN! WEDNESDAY AT 19:30
- WEEK 14!
With declining numbers and multiple requests to start in again we're on
to have another go! See you Wednesday!
As ever, stay TUNED, and keep us informed of any thoughts, status changes, etc.
via our MAILTO esblvie@yahoo.com.
Wednesday, Feb. 16th update: TONIGHT NOT, BUT LET'S TRY
The numbers are up again today, and we wait to see what our ministers decide;
but a few murmurs about playing again are rising so we need to see about
having a go starting next week. And yet, there's still little in emails
about being able to show up, just dribbles of info on teams NOT able to
organize players currently. SO... please help us determine whether to really
go ahead next week or not!
So stay TUNED, and keep us informed of any thoughts, status changes, etc.
via our MAILTO esblvie@yahoo.com.
Monday, Feb. 14th update: AND AGAIN, WEDNESDAY LIKELY OFF!
(too many teams declining to attend...)
Omicron seems to be tapering off, and yet, nobody is emailing any info
about being able to show up, just dribbles of info on teams NOT able to
organize players currently. SO... again it seems best to continue
STANDING DOWN also for this week, Febuary 16th, and also wait
and see what the latest "government experts" round on Wednesday brings in
further changes.
So stay TUNED, and keep us informed of any thoughts, status changes, etc.
via our MAILTO detailed here below.
Wednesday, Feb. 9th update: AGAIN, OUR BOWLING ABEYANCE
CONTINUES!...(means no bowling tonight)
Again, with daily numbers skipping about (and that without school agers in
the counting this ski week) but much higher again today (38K), while the
rules confusions slowly subside, we are still pretty much in the dark
about teams' status as to quarantines/illnesses affecting their playing
ability (nobody's reporting anything!). Thus, it seems best to continue
STANDING DOWN at least for this week, Febuary 9th, and also wait
and see what people bring back from the ski slopes next week as well.
So stay TUNED, and keep us informed of any thoughts, status changes, etc.
via our MAILTO detailed here below.
Sunday, Jan. 30th update: OUR BOWLING ABEYANCE CONTINUES!...
While the weekend numbers show lower today, but the government continues it's
practice of daily changing rules confusion, AND amid various teams reporting
positives and/or actual illnesses impacting their playing ability; it would
seem best to continue STANDING DOWN at least for this week, Febuary 2nd, and
perhaps "Energie Ferien week" next week as well.
So stay TUNED, and keep us informed of any thoughts, status changes, etc.
via our MAILTO detailed here below.
Wednesday, Jan. 26th update: NO BOWLING TONIGHT!
And there you have it! Seeing today's numbers (34,000+ new positives), plus
finally getting some feedback on positives showing up among our members
(what else to expect with so many at the moment!), we see the necessity to
HOLD OFF at least this week if not further weeks as this all develops further.
Some additional teams have also indicated the inability to find sufficient
players for this evening. How this also develops in the coming weeks will
also need to be watched, leaving at least next week also in question.
SO... we STAND DOWN for tonight. Next week? STAY TUNED!
Tuesday, Jan. 25th update: Having checked with the alley people, it would
seem they stand by the point that the 25 person rule does not apply as we
are all playing in one place - i.e. not milling about like you do at hockey,
soccer, dancing, and so forth. Thus they expect us to play.
If we instead BOW to the ANXIETIES from the numbers showing up each day,
then we'll miss, perhaps not just this week, but who knows what else come
next week when so many green passes are made invalid (or not if you've
gotten your "booster" and registered it into your pass).
Not having heard much from y'all so far, I'd say, let's review this until
early afternoon Wednesday (latest numbers, any additional "guidance" or
"clarifications" from our authorities, etc.) and then decide how to proceed.
Recognizing how short notice this all is, bear with us as we further seek to
sort this out! Stay tuned! - Don
(and remember to use F5 to REFRESH this page to really see the latest!)
Monday, Jan. 24th update: We've heard that other bowling halls have
interpreted the 25 person rule on "sports activities" as applying to them.
We've also heard that violations of the rule can result in €3600 fines to the
alley as well as fines on INDIVIDUALS who are seen as breaking the rule.
While we have no idea how much longer such rules will "apply" we
understand that the Phönix management has yet to tell us their take on
these matters, so we're still in wait and see mode! However, I suspect
our members won't be interested in potential fines - thus it may come to pass
that come Wednesday we will be shut down until all this confusion is
Saturday, Jan. 22nd update: DILEMMA! DILEMMA! It seems the ÖSKB thinks nothing
of pre-empting our bowling evening when spreading out their players to
other evenings, including ours!
We've been notified that three of our teams, Pin Killers, Alley Gators, and
Pinguins, all will be unable to play with us on Wednesdays because said ÖSKB
has them playing with them instead!
So, their request that we BELAY our season until end of March or so, means
that our 14 remaining teams would have to STAND DOWN and the bowling alley
LOOSE OUR BUSINESS for this period!
My take on this would INSTEAD be to continue while putting those teams on BYE for
as long as they choose to be away. We may still wind up being shut down
again due to the developing circumstances, but I've been hearing sentiments
about how "it's good that we can play again", and this should be honored!
If anyone has any another thoughts to add to this, please feel free to use
our mailto esblvie@yahoo.com.
Thus, so far, it's still a GO for this coming Wednesday, the 26th.
Who you play against is based on WEEK NUMBER - thus Week 14 this week!
Rules remain: G2, masks away from playing area, and a drive to get done
before 10PM Sperrstunde. Thus we start again at 18:45.
As of last week we also had the PIN EATERS joining our BYE list until fall,
This remains our only possibility to cover such fall-outs in a way that keeps
the remaining teams on their toes with the same opportunity at easier points
that several have already enjoyed.
We will still watch the numbers and whatever our experts decide to do about
them. If any further changes we'll let you know... SEE YOU WEDNESDAY!
(older updates...)
Wednesday, Dec. 22nd, update:
While it seems the bowling alley will actually be open this Wednesday, the
22nd, so that we theoretically could play, the result would be an isolated
round in the middle of everyone getting ready for the holidays... (and with
indeterminate "G" requirements that keep changing...)
So..., NO BOWLING this evening.
Instead we can better make use of the chance to get out with friends and
do our bit to support our favorite restaurants. In the meantime we'll be
on our Christmas/New Year's break - for TWO weeks
until January 5th for our next round, so until then...
Again, what then transpires at the 5th of January will most likely depend on
the status of things at that point, meaning we'll have to see what the GECKO
has in store for us vs. the omicron issue... Stay tuned!
(older updates...)
Tuesday, Dec. 14th update:
Told yesterday our bowling hall remains closed to bowling until the 20th
(due to Gastronomie designation) so no bowling this Wednesday...
After that... we'll have to decide how we carry on...
Sunday, Nov.20th, update:
That sure came fast! It's official! Monday, Nov. 22, marks the start of the
newest lockdown, and, thus, the closing of the bowling alley, obviating any
further possibility of play until further notice!
We've now some time to think thru what this will mean for any continuation
of our season once we get back to 2G+ or whatever say after 10 days, three
weeks, after the holidays, who knows? Stay tuned!... - Don
Wednesday, Nov.17th, update:
Just 2G... no verification for +. PCR not yet needed.
See you there! After tonight? We'll see!
Having gotten off to a successful and uneventful, 3G protected, season start
these past two months, we're now challenged with a developing fourth wave
situation potentially putting us AND the bowling alley into a 2G+ phase
(for who knows how long, but probably more than the specified 10 days!)...
which some of you have been asking about...
We still have to wait and see how much push back comes for the + part,
i.e. the point about everybody getting a PCR test (with who knows what kind of
lines you'll have to wait in!), but according to the bowling alley we will
PROCEED AS NORMAL for this Wednesday, the 17th, at least until further
notice... (we agreed, despite all the talk this weekend, we can't seem to
find a specified "+" rule - niether on the orf.at nor the wko.at websites,
and so we don't see any problems for this Wednesday. After that, who knows!
By the way, with our members being a representative sample of the overall
population it seems that we're a really healthy group since no one has so far
indicated ANY problems with symptoms or positive tests, or whatever (which of
course is in our best interest to hear about!)? Are we really all that
healthy? i.e. we've nothing to fear? any comments? (use mailto below)
To save you from having to scroll past our long record of crisis
dealings and deliberations I've consolidated it into a separate
info page here. - Don