2019-2020 BY-LAWS
(approved on August 21, 2019)
General: The English Speaking Bowling League shall
consist of twenty (20) teams with a playing strength of two (2) men and two (2)
women. Membership in the Bowling League is open only to English speaking persons (except persons presently in the
League) of the
Rule 1 - Management: The management
of the league shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which shall
consist of the elected officers (President, Vice-President/Comptroller, and
Secretary/Treasurer) and all team captains. The administration of the league
shall be vested in the Executive Committee, which shall consist of the
elected officers and two (2) team captains, who shall be elected by the Board
of Directors at their first meeting. The Executive Committee acts on behalf of
the Board of Directors in all league affairs. The Board of Directors shall
adopt the League Rules and the Executive Committee will administer them. The
entire League Membership shall elect officers at the end of the bowling season
for the forthcoming season. (Note: An elected officer may not also serve as a
team captain.) At any meeting of the Board of Directors, the Executive
Committee, or League Membership, a simple majority shall constitute a quorum.
Should any member of the Executive Committee be unable, for any reason, to
fulfill the duties of his office, a replacement shall be elected by the Board.
Rule 2 - Time and Place of Bowling: The date, time, and place of bowling shall be
determined by the Board of Directors of the English Speaking Bowling League,
for a period of thirty-eight (38) bowling nights. League bowling will be held
according to the schedule approved at the organizational meeting. AFTER lane maintenance and preceding league
bowling, NO ONE is allowed to prebowl (practice) on ANY
of the the league lanes on that night. This is to
assure that everyone enjoys the same lane conditions across all lanes. The
penalty for breaking this rule is that the bowler’s scores will be declared
invalid and the appropriate blind score will be taken instead. The pins will be
lowered and set for 10 minutes of
practice bowling at exactly 7:30
p.m. Note that waiting for your ball to
return to “complete a frame” is unnecessary
and discourteous to your fellow bowlers still waiting their turn. Once the
computers are setup and alley management switches over to regular play NO MORE
PRACTICE BALLS will be allowed (or possible). All teams shall begin bowling
without delay. If there is not a legal
line-up in accordance with rule six (6) by
Rule 3 - Secretary/Treasurer's Salary: The Secretary/Treasurer's salary shall be € 3.00
per team per week, and shall be paid at the completion of the schedule, unless
authorized in writing by the Executive Committee. Full payment shall not be
authorized by the Executive Committee until the Secretary/Treasurer has
submitted final individual averages and all appropriate records.
Rule 4 - Fees: Acceptance in the league carries the
obligation to pay all fees and any assessments necessary to cover league
obligations. Should a deficit be anticipated, team captains must be notified.
The amount to be paid by each bowler is determined by the Board of Directors to
cover the cost of the approved league Budget. There shall be no arrearage
unless authorized by the Executive Committee! Substitutes will be required to
pay the full bowling fee. Fillers will be expected to pay at least the cost of
bowling; the remainder of the fee for fillers will be the responsibility of the
individual team. Each team captain is responsible for paying the full fee for 4
players for each night of scheduled bowling.
Rule 5 - Team Rosters: Captains shall turn in rosters of the team
members to the Secretary/Treasurer no later than 24 hours prior to the start of
the schedule. Rosters shall consist of a minimum of four (4) and not more than ten
(10) players. Any changes in the team rosters must be reported to the
Secretary/Treasurer before the league bowls. All games bowled by an ineligible
person shall not be counted and a blind score shall be used.
Rule 6 - Legal Line-up: Two (2) players from a team's current roster
must be present and bowl at the start of each
game, or the game shall be forfeited. In a forfeit situation the following
will apply:
the forfeiting team receives no
the team present must bowl as though
the game was contested (no sandbagging!).
To earn points the team playing must bowl against the forfeiting team's
four lowest blinds (i.e. the two lowest female and the two lowest male averages
each minus 10 points plus handicaps).
a player of the forfeiting team
who is present may bowl and his/her scores will qualify for individual
awards. The scores, however, will not be
included in the team's total pins.
play has started in a game no player may be replaced by another player in that
game. Any person can bowl as a filler with the
permission of both team captains. Any situation not covered above will be
presented to the Executive Committee for final resolution.
Rule 7 -
Substitutes: The league shall designate, by name, a list
of substitutes approved by the Secretary/Treasurer. Men must substitute for men
and women for women. No one may bowl with more than
one team for the regularly scheduled games each week. Once a substitute's name
is placed on a team roster, the name shall be withdrawn from the substitute
list permanently, unless authorized by the Executive Committee. A substitute
cannot bowl with the same team on three (3) consecutive bowling nights unless
approved by the Executive Committee. A person will only be eligible for being
put on the list of substitutes if the expected stay in
7A - Substitutes on last night of the season:
Any team with a mathematical chance of winning a
trophy on the last night can use only bowlers who have been on the
team roster for at least the previous three bowling
nights, unless a new team member has already bowled at least 27
games in the league during the current season. Exceptions:
(1) A substitute from the substitute list who has already
bowled 15 games during the current season may bowl; or
(2) If no such substitute is available, a team unable to come up
with a full squad because of circumstances beyond its control can ask the
Executive Committee, no later than the Monday before the last
night, to find a substitute. The Executive Committee,
if satisfied that no appropriate bowler on the substitute list will be able to
bowl, will try to find for the team another bowler from the substitute
list whose handicap is not controversial and who would promise
to bowl his/her best. The team can either accept the Committee's
choice if a willing substitute can be found, or use a blind, according to
Rule 8.
Rule 8 - Blind Scores: Blind scores shall be allowed when a team has
a legal line-up, but less than a full one at the start of each game in a
series. The blind score shall be the average, less ten (10) pins, of the absent
bowler on the roster of the missing sex having the lowest average. The handicap
shall be figured on the normal average of this person. If no missing team
player of a legal lineup has established an average then the blind score shall
be based on a 120 average, thus resulting in a score of 110 pins plus 72 pins
Rule 9 - Postponements: No postponement or pre-bowl games will be
Rule 10 - Tardy Players: Any player who arrives late shall be permitted
to bowl from the first frame, with the score to count, provided the match has
not progressed beyond the third (3rd) frame. The tardy player shall bowl all
frames to catch up before the fourth frame begins.
Rule 11 - Position Standings: Standings will be determined on a point basis,
with one (l) point awarded for each game won and one (l) point for series in
each match. In case of a tie, one half point will be
awarded to each team.
Rule 12 - Handicaps: The handicap
allowance (see Annex 2) shall be ninety
percent (90%) for players under 60 years of age at the start of the bowling
season and ninety-five percent (95%) for players 60 and over at the start of
the season and shall be calculated on the difference between the scratch
average and 200 pins. The maximum handicap allowed shall be ninety (90) for
those under 60 and ninety-five (95) for those 60 and over. Negative
handicaps shall be used for any averages currently over our base average (200).
(a) For
new members: If the new member bowled in a recognized league the previous
year then his or her average from that league will be used and handicap will be
set as defined in part (b) below. Otherwise,
the handicap will be computed after the first complete series of three (3)
consecutive games bowled in one evening, and will be based on the player’s
average for that three-game series. This handicap shall apply for the first
series bowled and for the next series in which the bowler competes. Thereafter,
the handicap shall be based on the current average. Each bowler must bowl three
(3) games in the first series in which they compete to qualify for handicap. In
the event that the bowler cannot bowl the three (3) games in the first series,
NO games shall count and rule 8 will prevail.
(b) For
continuing players (members and substitutes) from the previous season:
Until the player has bowled a complete series of three (3) consecutive games in
one evening, the handicap will be based on the average from the previous
season. Thereafter, until the player has bowled twenty-one (21) games, the
handicap will be recalculated after each evening of bowling, based on a
‘handicap average’ calculated as a weighted combination of the player’s average
from the previous season and the average achieved in the current season, as
(Last Year's Avg.) x (21-No. of
Games) + (Total Pins this season)
Handicap Average =
21 Games
After the player has bowled
twenty-one (21) games, the handicap will be based on the average in the current
season only.
(c) The
team handicap for each scheduled match shall be the total of the individual
handicaps for the players in the line-up. In the event a substitute is used;
the handicap for the substitute will be used in place of the handicap of the
absent team member. See Rule 8 for handicaps for blind scores.
Rule 13 - Fouls and Foul Detecting
Devices: The foul detecting devices shall be used
during league bowling. The team captains are responsible to test this equipment
prior to the start of the match and thereafter at any time they deem necessary
during the match. If at any time the team captains agree that the foul
detecting equipment is not working properly, this must be immediately reported
to the Brunswick Management. If the equipment cannot be repaired without undue
delay, the team captains may agree to have the foul detectors turned off on the
alley in question and the match will be continued without the use of this
equipment. Body fouls shall be called on any alley or alleys whether or not the
foul detecting equipment has been turned off. Team captains are responsible to
ensure that each team member respects the foul line.
Rule 14 - Playoffs: Total pins in one (1) game shall determine
the winners of any playoffs for a team trophy position. Playoffs will be bowled
on a pair of lanes in the event of a tie. An extra complete (10th) frame shall
be bowled in the event of a tie at the end of the playoff game. When more than
two (2) teams are tied, two (2) pairs of lanes shall be used. Scores in such
playoffs shall not count toward individual or team averages or special prize
awards offered by the league. The same players will be expected
to bowl in a playoff that bowled in the position round resulting in a tie. No
substitutes will be allowed to bowl in any playoff.
Rule 15 - Awards - Prizes: The Board of Directors shall decide which
prizes are to be awarded and allocate sufficient funds from the league budget
to cover their cost. An Awards Committee of three (3) shall be elected by the
Board of Directors to be responsible for the ordering and engraving of all
prizes. The Executive Committee is responsible to review league records to
ensure the proper winners of awards. TEAM PLACEMENT AWARDS (maximum of
eight) will be awarded for the first three (3) places. TEAM SPECIAL AWARDS
(maximum of four, consisting of the four team members who participated) will be
awarded for High-Team-Scratch Series, High-Team-Scratch Game for the first and
second place; and for High-Team-Handicap Series, High-Team-Handicap Game for
the first, and second and third place. INDIVIDUAL SPECIAL AWARDS will be
awarded for High-Individual-Scratch Series, High Individual Scratch Game for
the first and second place Man and Woman; High-Individual-Handicap Series,
High-Individual-Handicap Game for the first, second and third place Men and
Women. INDIVIDUAL HONOR AWARDS will be awarded for High Average first
and second place Men and Women and for Most Improved Bowler Year-on-Year first
place Man and Woman ONLY.
ELIGIBILITY: A team may win only team placement and one
team special award. An individual may win one or both individual honor awards
and one individual special award but may not win two or more individual special
awards. A bowler, including substitutes, must have bowled twenty-seven (27) games to qualify for any award.
A team, to be
eligible for any team placement award, must have at least four (4) players who
have bowled twenty-seven (27) games.
due to changes in the team roster, more than ten (10) members of a team are
eligible for Team Placement Awards, then the ten (10) awards (see first
paragraph of Rule 15) will go to the ten (10) eligible team members having the highest number of games bowled.
awards with handicap (high game and series) will be based on handicaps
established after the individual has bowled twenty-one (21) games; after the
21st game is bowled, that handicap will be used to compute the individual's
high game with handicap and high series with handicap up through the
individual's 21st game.
Team awards with
handicap (high game and series) will be based on handicaps established after
the team has bowled twenty-one (21) games. The individual
handicaps computed after the 21st team game is bowled will be used to
compute the team high game with handicap and the team high series with handicap
up through the 21st team game.
The league will
not be responsible for shipping awards and prizes to players who have left
NIGHT: Dependent on availability of funds, there will
be a “Special Awards Night” approximately every other week. The Award(s), and
the stipulations for winning the Award(s), will be determined by the Awards
Committee. The Awards will also be purchased and presented by a member of the
Awards Committee.
Rule 16 - General Regulations: Unless there
are specific local rules covering any situation, American Bowling Congress (USBC)
rules shall apply.
Rule 17 - Complaints: Any league member may file a complaint,
protest, etc., to his or her team captain or an executive committee member. The
team captain or executive committee member must present the complaint in
writing by the end of the next evening of bowling to the Executive Committee
for action. Any two (2) team captains together may call a meeting of the Board
of Directors by filing a written request with the Secretary/Treasurer. The
Secretary/Treasurer will notify each member of the Board of Directors one (1)
week before any such meeting, giving the time and place of the meeting. The
meeting must be held no later than fourteen (14) days from the date the request
is received by the Secretary/Treasurer. At the discretion of the Board of
Directors appropriate punitive measures could be imposed including forfeiting
of games, if the rules defined by the By-Laws are not observed by teams or
their members.
Rule 18 - Captain's Responsibilities: Each team
captain is responsible for giving the Secretary/Treasurer the team's fee no
later than
Rule 19 - League Awards Banquet: A Banquet
Committee of three (3) members shall be elected by the Board of Directors. It
is the responsibility of the Banquet Committee to make all arrangements for the
Awards Banquet within the allocated budget as determined by the Board of
Directors. The Awards Banquet shall be free ONLY to members of the league and
substitutes who have bowled at least thirty-six (36) games. Each member of the league and each substitute is entitled to bring guests to the banquet on a space
available basis. All guests shall be charged a fee as set by the Banquet
Committee and approved by the Executive Committee. League members and
substitutes who have bowled less than the required thirty-six (36) games will
be charged a prorated banquet fee as determined by the Banquet Committee and
approved by the Executive Committee. There shall be no refund to any league
member who is unable, for any reason, to attend the banquet.
Rule 20 - New Membership Eligibility: New members of
the league are to be conversant in English, and understand that English is the
primary language of the League and that the League is a handicapped hobby
league serving a social function for members of the international
community. The new member should present
himself or herself to the Secretary/Treasurer before the start of bowling and
supply contact information for the league records.
--------- ### ---------
Home Tel. Office
Tel. or
President: Willy
Yim 0660-668-8899
Sec./Treas.: Don Bourdage 485-6910 0664-590-8534
Team Captain: Christa
Bass 0676-941-4421
Team Captain: Martha 0699-1-924-6156
Bowling alley telephone number: 486-4361
The 2019-2020 season begins on the 28th of August, at 7:30 p.m. at the Schumanngasse Phoenix Bowling Center for period of thirty-eight
(38) bowling nights. The fee for this season shall be €10.00 per player per
night, of which
€ 6.30 is for
the cost of bowling. Each team captain is responsible for paying € 40.00 for
each night of scheduled bowling.