May 26                          *** 2016 - 2017 ***          FINAL STANDINGS
                                         PINS       W/O  W/    W/O   W/   WEEK
 1(1)  PIN KILLERS          103     49  91320  801  861  960  2326  2602   3/1
 2(2)  BC PBLA             93.5   58.5  90534  794  790  941  2123  2556   1/3
 3(3)  FIREBALLS             91     61  90555  794  819  924  2306  2612   3/1
 4(4)  HAGIBIS             85.5   66.5  90091  790  751  892  2142  2556   1/3
 5(6)  JUST ONE MORE         85     67  89697  786  801  899  2219  2559   3/1
 6(5)  STRIKERS              84     68  90657  795  822  915  2274  2553   2/2
 7(7)  PIN OOPS              78     74  89982  789  771  914  2027  2556   3/1
 8(9)  MINDANAO BOWLERS      76     76  90805  796  712  910  1985  2574   3/1
 9(8)  TRIPLE EIGHT          75     77  89931  788  741  924  2087  2630   0/4
10(12) PIN EATERS            73     79  89181  782  750  920  2082  2526   3/1
11(11) GUTTER DUSTERS        72     80  89765  787  804  934  2201  2610   2/2
12(10) DOLPINS             71.5   80.5  89814  787  775  919  2168  2600   1/3
13(13) PINGUINS            69.5   82.5  89898  788  778  923  2132  2552   2/2
14(16) INTERNATIONALS        69     83  88974  780  719  906  1987  2548   4/0
15(15) PINOY BOWLERS         68     84  90198  791  838  907  2343  2550   2/2
16(14) BC XTREME             68     84  89783  787  798  932  2191  2581   1/3
17(17) HOT PITS            65.5   86.5  89561  785  756  907  2172  2544   1/3
18(18) NO PROBLEM            65     87  88549  776  726  873  1935  2486   1/3
19(20) ALLEY GATORS          64     88  89273  788  823  925  2251  2557   3/1
20(19) LUCKY STRIKE        63.5   88.5  89771  782  823  923  2257  2560   1/3
Split Winners: 5-7, 5-10: Elisabeth Brandl, Jun Culbengan, Willy Yim, Adolf Pfeifer
                     6-7: Alexandra Kuechl
And we're done!  Another season gone by with various contenders at the top
before the Pin Killers managed to pull out unreachably ahead. BC PBLA and
FIREBALLS we're also well enough ensconced in 2nd and 3rd place to not
require any playoffs to finalize things.
Your League Officers thank each and everyone of you for helping make
this a successful season and wish you all the best for the coming year!
Our Banquet tonight is brought to you by Don Bourdage and Nida Schlosser
 - Thanks!   And a great BIG THANKS to Hienze and Daniela Priemer for
 organizing tonight's awards presentation!
TEAM CAPTAINS:  Please be sure to turn in your new team rosters (if
you haven't done so already) to the secretary before leaving tonight.
Bowling for the 2017-2018 season should be commencing on Wednesday,
August 30th, and we expect to hold our Board of Directors meeting
one week before that (i.e. Wednesday, August 23rd).
Don't forget!: We're on the WEB at: members.aon.at/esblvie   have a look!...
And over the summer you can enter any comments and/or suggestions you
might have via the mail link (I promise I'll check it regularly! -DB)