May 19                          *** 2011 - 2012 ***          FINAL STANDINGS
                                         PINS       W/O  W/    W/O   W/   WEEK
 1(1)  BC XTREME             85     59  85586  792  801  939  2323  2608   3/1
 2(3)  LUCKY STRIKE          82     62  84825  785  733  916  2040  2555   3/1
 3(2)  INTERNATIONALS        81     63  84908  786  698  904  1946  2573   1/3
 4(4)  PINOY BOWLERS         77     67  85950  795  781  895  2207  2552   1/3
 5(6)  PINGUINS              77     67  85586  792  805  956  2136  2589   3/1
 6(8)  PIN OOPS              77     67  84905  786  740  904  2105  2570   3/1
 7(9)  HOT PITS              76     68  85115  788  731  909  2035  2508   3/1
 8(5)  STRIKERS            75.5   68.5  86003  796  848  952  2332  2644   1/3
 9(7)  DOLPINS               75     69  85393  790  846  977  2299  2692   1/3
10(12) GUTTER DUSTERS        72     72  85310  789  796  935  2245  2563   4/0
11(10) JUST ONE MORE         71     73  84827  785  777  959  2131  2677   1/3
12(13) HAGIBIS               69     75  85205  788  731  935  2023  2548   1/3
13(11) PIN EATERS          68.5   75.5  84804  785  727  901  2029  2508   0/4
14(14) PIN KILLERS           68     76  85361  790  780  925  2184  2522   3/1
15(15) NO PROBLEM            68     76  84864  785  731  905  2106  2568   3/1
16(16) FIREBALLS             62     82  83459  772  678  930  1845  2613   1/3
17(17) TRIPLE EIGHT        56.5   87.5  84017  777  714  882  2077  2581   2/2
18(18) ALLEY GATORS        55.5   88.5  84650  783  705  907  1970  2546   2/2
CONTRATULATIONS to Last Week's STAR FRAME Winners: Gutter Dusters
Split Winners: 5-7, 5-10: Charlotte Loebus, Maria Plesskott, Brigitte Wuerrer
THERE! THAT'S IT FOR ANOTHER SEASON!...  And what a finale we had on the
last night with top contenders sorting things out without the necessity of any
playoffs.  But BOY, just look at that THREE WAY tie for FOURTH PLACE!
Resolving THAT with playoffs would have been something to see!
And now it's time to PARTY!
Your League Officers thank each and everyone of you for helping make
this a successful season and wish you all the best for the coming year!
Our Banquet tonight is brought to you by Don Bourdge and Nida Schlosser with an
assist from Edith Hain - Thanks!   And a great BIG THANKS to Andreas and Martin
Pfeifer for organizing tonight's awards presentation!
TEAM CAPTAINS:  Please be sure to turn in your new team rosters (if
you haven't done so already) to the secretary before leaving tonight.
Bowling for the 2012-2013 season should be commencing on Thursday,
September 6th, and we expect to hold our Board of Directors meeting
one week before that (i.e. Thursday, August 30th).
Don't forget!: We're on the WEB at: members.aon.at/esblvie   have a look!...